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Our School Story

William Cook school is located in the City Centre of Richmond. Students in our school come from several different birth countries and speak several different languages in their homes. The diversity within our school population allows us the opportunity to learn from each other and to respect and appreciate those who come from different areas of the world. Cook school is an integral part of the larger community and we have built many community partnerships that enhance learning experiences for our students. 

William Cook Elementary School is a large (600+) and diverse community that promotes an inclusive and caring learning environment. We are committed to creating a school in which students develop an enthusiasm for learning which models and fosters care for ourselves, each other and this place. We believe that all children will learn and thrive in a place where they belong, feel safe and respected. Students are supported in their learning by both committed staff members and supportive families. Together we value community, inclusion and JOY!

Our Action Posts

Our Plan 2018-19

Posted: Oct 9 2018

Our Evidence Posts

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